January 3, 2017

Salisbury Historic district commission

Town of Salisbury

Present, Candy Cuniberti, Digby Brown, Carol Mason , Elyse Harney

Discussion of Pope land acquisition:  Curtis Rand confirmed that sale was close but that the committee to determine use of the land had not been appointed as yet.  The HDC will have representation on this committee. Michael Klemens, Chairman of the P&Z Commission was very positive in encouraging close cooperation with the HDC.  Candy Cuniberti will follow up on this with a letter to Michael. 

Ross Land:   Since the owners of the Rudd home have now acquired the abutting land for their protection, the only issue outstanding is the fact that the Fence was never approved by the HDC.    Candy will offer this reminder by letter. 

Elyse Harney will contact Matt Kiefer for update on mapping.

Carol Mason has checked the St. of Ct. Site and found a discrepancy with the properties on our list and the ones on their list.   She is sending an update.  The Password for members of the commission to private information on the site will be “1741”. 

Kathryn Taylor should let us know what weekend in July works best for her other than July 4th weekend.  

Discussion of possible new members to the commissionas Alternates:

Elvia Geneaux, Helen Ross,  Mrs. Newcomb, Tom Whitridge, Portell

Elyse Harney made motion to reimburse Carol Mason for Kate Capecelatro’s  supplementary assistance on the website in the amount of $500.  DP second, all approved.

Carol Mason presented second half of bill for revision of website in the amount of $2,500.     Elyse Harney made motion to approve for payment, Digby Brown second, all approved.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45.  The next scheduled meeting will be Feb. 7th.

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse d. Harney sec.  Notes