Salisbury Historic District Commission 2-2016

Present: Candy Cuniberti, Jane B. Fitting, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney

Steve Belter presented an application for certificate of appropriateness for 414 Salmon Kill Rd. The request is to remove the existing 14x20 garage and construct a new 18x27 garage with living space above. Notice of a public hearing for the March 1st meeting will be placed in Lakeville Journal.

Architectural drawings and map are available thru the Town Clerk.

Chris Brennan presented two requests for C of A for 75 Main St. The first is to restore a 19th C Barn to become the pool house. The 12’x 20’barn is 12’ high and located to NE side of pool. There will be lattice fencing on the side and Chris will provide details on this fencing. The second Application is to restore a 19th C Cupola ( 8’3.5 wide x 8’3/5 long and 16’high) as a Folly in the upper meadow of the house. The SHDC will meet on Tuesday 2/16 at 9 am at the property to determine if this will be visible from the road. If the Folly falls under SHDC jurisdiction, both Applications will be on the Agenda for the March 1st Public Hearing. Chris will also try to provide a new map of the property showing location of various out buildings which will be available at the Town Clerk’s office.

Chris had no report to give on the Firehouse.

Tom Callahan made the motion to approve meetings of the Jan. 12th 2016 meeting. Jane Fitting 2nd and all in Favor.

Candy asked for approval of the half payment to Carol Mason to start the new website project. Elyse Harney moved to approve her bill for $2,875. Tom Callahan 2nd and all in favor. Candy will present the bill to Joe Cleveland for payment.

Discussion of Tom Zetterstrom’s note regarding the check presented to Joe Cleveland, Treasurer in the amount of $153.77 which represents the balance of the Friends of Washinee Park Fund. Tom expressed concern about the future monitoring of mowing of Washinee Park to keep invansives out.

The HDC is responsible for deciding on Appropriateness within the Historic District but not on funding or maintenance.

Since there was no further business, Tom Callahan made the motion to adjourn at 9:30. Jane Fitting 2nd all in favor.

The next meeting of the SHDC will be Tues. March 1 at 8:30 at the Town Hall

Respectfully submitted

Elyse D. Harney Sec.