June 5, 2018

SHDC Meeting Minutes -Tues, June 5, 2018 8:30 am

Present: C. Mason, T. Callahan, D Brown, J. B Fitting, E Harney

Public Hearings:

Certificate of appropriateness for# 2 furnace Rd. 
Install 5 12 over 12 white double hung Marvin integrity insert windows. 
Neal Chamberlain attended meeting and was able to provide a sample of the windows to be inserted.  He explained that the Historic house has marble sills which he did not want to disturb. 
The owners are not able to open the current 196o's triple track storms with any ease. 
After seeing the window sample, Jane B. Fitting made a motion to approve the application; Digby Brown gave a second and all were in favor.
A copy of the approved application was provided to Mr. Chamberlain to convey to the Building Inspector.

Certificate of Appropriateness for# 317 Salmon Kill Road
Construction of two storyFinalizing Historic district Maps for the Town of Salisbury: frame guest house. Architectural Plans provide by Hottenroth+Joseph Architects. Leanne Bridge, Architect was brought in on a conference call. 
The only question was regarding vertical siding which was the choice of the owner. After examination of architectural plans, a motion to approve the plans was made by Carol Mason, second by Digby Brown and all were in favor. 
Digby Brown delivered the approved Certificate of Appropriateness to the Salisbury Building Inspector. Elyse Harney, Sec. will fax a copy of the approval to Leanne Bridge at the firms New York office. Regular Meeting was resumed. Discussion of Commissioners term limits and renewal policy. 

Appointments of commission members should be such that one member retires each year: 
Jane B Fitting 2018
Tom Callahan 2019
Digby Brown 2020
Carol Mason 2021
Elyse Harney 2022
Leon McClain Alternate 2019

Tom Callahan will ask Curtis Rand if it would be possible to have a Sec. for the commission meetings provide by the Town.

Finalization of Maps of Historic district Maps: 
Carol Mason reported that the wording to establish an Ordinance was not appropriate when the two outstanding properties were approved as Historic Houses at the last town Meeting. At the next Town Meeting this will be corrected. Matt Kiefer is making some final adjustments to the maps for the Town. This should be finalized for the June 9, 2019 event.
Carol has created a package for all property owners in the Historic districts which will include a map of the entire Town. These will be available for distribution at the June 9 event.
Final Details for June 9 Event at the Sobel property: E Harney will pick up certificates to be presented and will provide Harney bottled teas. Carol Mason went over her presentation at the event. Parking is to be on the main road not on Sobel property. There being no further business, Tom Callahan made a motion to adjourn, D Brown second and all in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40
The next Meeting with be July 10th because of the July 4th holiday. 
8:30 at Salisbury Town Hall
Respectfully submitted, 
Elyse D Harney, Sec

May 1, 2008

SHDC Meeting Minutes - Tues, May 1, 2018, 8:30 am

Present: Tom Callahan, Digby Brown, Jane b. Fitting

Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for 3 2 Furnace Rd. Lakeville, CT. Discussion followed regarding this application. Jane Burgess would like to know if they are true divided light with real mullions. Why just the one floor? 

The Public Hearing was scheduled for the June 5, 2018 meeting. Discussion of properties which need to be approved for the completion of the SHDC Maps. 

Janet Block and Leo Flood - owners of the properties needing approval, have been contacted.
There being no further business the motion for adjournment was made by D Brown, second J B Fitting. Motion approved and meeting adjourned at 9 am.

T. Callahan
Acting Sec. 

April 3, 2018

April 3, 2018

SHDC Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Present: Carol Mason, Digby Brown, Jane Fitting, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney

Minutes to previous meeting were approved: D. Brown made motion with C. Mason 2nd, all in favor.

Jane Fitting gave report on the research she had done regarding properties which are considered in the HD but which may not have been officially approved.    She also discussed differences in National Historic Registry.  She encouraged more investigation in old HD files.   

Matt Kiefer submitted his Bill for work so far in the amount of $5,815.000.   Jane Fitting made motion to approve this for payment; C Mason 2nd and all in favor.   

Matt K. also gave the results of his investigation in spread sheet format.    This shows two houses not Officially accepted: Case  4 Main St.  and Landowska 63 Millerton Rd. 

Carol will do letters and Elyse will try to get signatures for owner’s approval.   C Mason will ask Curtis Rand, First Selectman to schedule town Meeting for their approval as soon as possible. 

Carol brought up application for additional bench at the veteran’s Monument next to Town Hall.   The commission has no objection to changes requested.   T Callahan will put official notice in Lakeville Journal for next meeting in May    Digby Brown made motion to approve, C mason 2nd, all in favor. 

C Mason also asked for approval of final invitation for June event.:    DBrown approved, EHarney 2nd, all in favor.

Tom Callahan, as Chairman, reported on first meeting of advisory Committee on use of the Pope Land. 

Various Commissions were represented.  Matt Kiefer will conduct a walk of the land for the committee.

Each commission will make a presentation on their function in the community for the next meeting. 

T. Callahan is reaching out to possible local property owners for Advisory Board. 

C. Mason has solved problem for reception of emails.   Will check with members of commission to be sure they are receiving her emails. 

C Mason responded to a request from the Kellert’s to speak with them about the HDC.    The Kellert’s feel properties should be listed by address not by name.   C Mason had a pleasant discussion with them.

Commission members will inspect HDC files for future work. 

There being no further business, T. Callahan made motion to adjourn, D Brown 2nd all in favor. 

The next meeting will be Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 8:30 am at the Salisbury town hal. 

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse D. Harney



March 6, 2018

March 6, 2018
SHDC Meeting Minutes -Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Present: Carol Mason, Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Elyse Harney

Minutes to previous meeting were approved: T. Callahan made the motion and D. Brown the 2nd. All in favor.

Discussion of Fourth Amendment:

After extended discussion it was decided that a letter will be formulated to all property owners listed for inclusion in the Salisbury Historic District in the proposed Fourth Amendment. This letter will explain that in the course of creating a map of Historic Districts in the town of Salisbury, it was discovered that the Fourth Amendment was not officially adapted at a Town Meeting.

Applications were completed and submitted to the State for approval. The properties are included in the National Historic Registry but, again, were never officially adapted by the Town. We will therefore be asking for the consent of all property owners to include their property in the Fourth Amendment which will be presented at a Town Meeting for official approval. Elyse Harney will propose a draft of this letter to all members of the commission.

Digby Brown solved the problem of our Salisbury Bank Acc't which was going to be subject to a monthly charge. Joe Cleveland was one of the original signers for the Account. He has offered to assume it in the Town of Salisbury Accounts under a separate designation. It will be available to the commission at any time.

Tom Callahan made the motion for D. Brown to authorize the Town treasurer, Joe Cleveland, to do the necessary paper work. The current account has approximately 1,300; D Brown gave the 2nd and all in favor. Tom Callahan also made a motion to reimburse Elyse Harney for the $100 which she added to the account to keep it active. D. Brown 2nd all in favor.

Carol Mason submitted her bill for $500. For preparation of the mailer to Save the Date for our June 9th function. T Callahan made the motion to approve payment, E Harney 2nd, all in favor. Digby Brown will submit this bill to Joe Cleveland as well.

Discussion of award for successful preservation of an historic property: since this is the purpose of the commission, it has been our practice to give an award at the June reception. The Sobels have been nominated for their work on the Ellsworth property and Seth Churchill for the renovation of the Lakeville Fire House. Leslie Eckstein who is operating the fitness Center in the Firehouse will be invited to the reception as well.

Discussion of advisory board: the commission agrees that having professional, dedicated owners of Historic Properties in the Town act in an advisory capacity would be very beneficial. Candance Cuniberti has volunteered and Tom Callahan will ask the Newcombs and Elyse Harney will contact Kathryn Taylor.

Tom Callahan, chairman of the Committee, reported on the Pope Land Use committee. The first meeting is scheduled for March 28th. He did say there is strong feeling that the land should be used for affordable Housing. The meetings will be the last Weds. Of the month at 6:30 and are open to the public.

Carol Mason has not been able to get to the website or internet because of the power outage. Neither Tom Callahan or Elyse Harney have had access to the HDC email. Neither received email from Ward Belcher but he has been contacted.

Elyse Harney and Digby Brown have been in touch with the architects for Jeff Greenberg. They will be planning a guest house and are aware that it will require HD approval. They checked with Matt Keifer to be sure the area where they want to build is in the HD, which it is.

Elyse Harney reminded Carol Mason about the report from the HDC which is included in the town of Salisbury Annual report. She will check on when this report is due and keep track of the number of applications which have been processed by the commission.

There being no further business, T. Callahan made the motion to adjourn, D. Brown the 2nd and all in favor.

The next meeting with be Tuesday April 3rd, 2018 at the Salisbury town Hall at 8:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse D. Harney


February 6, 2018

February 6, 2018

Salisbury Historic District Commission Meeting – Salisbury Town Hall 8:30 am

Present:  Carol Mason, Digby Brown, tom Callahan, Elyse Harney 

Minutes of Jan.9, 2018 were approved: T Callahan made motion, D Brown second all in favor. 

Spoke with Curtis Rand about status of Fourth Amendment.  He will try to get it properly listed on the Call to Town Meeting and feels it should be approved.      The map will have to wait for this approval. 

Nancy Bruzie explained there is no room on the computer generated Building application form to add whether property is in a Historic district.   It is on the zoning application and Nancy has a list of Historic properties which she checks when any applications are submitted.  

Carol Mason explained that new phone number 860-419-5180 allows a free Google message which will be sent to all commission members by email.    Carol needs to be sure all commissioners have given permission for this service. 

E Harney will contact the Sobels to ask if they will host the 2018 event -  They will also be given the award for all the work they have done preserving their historic home.    Either a June or Sept date at their convenience. 

Curtis Rand has asked T.Callahan to Chair the Pope Land commission.     Tom is considering seriously as it would be very good to have the HDC in such a visible position.  

Discussion followed of the Lockup-    building is not a Historic property. 

Candace Cuniberti (former Chairman of Board)  suggested the addition  of an Advisory board which might propose ideas, support projects and serve as additional good-will ambassadors for the important purpose of historic preservation.    D.Brown made a motion to establish an Advisory Board for those purposes.   It would be open to anyone who is a Salisbury home owner but does not vote in the Town of Salisbury.    T. Callahan gave the second and all in favor.    Suggested persons:  Candance Cuniberti, Deborah Newcomb and the sobels.   

There being no further business,  t.Callahan made motion to adjourn at 9:15, d. Brown second and all in favor.    The next meeting with be Tuesday, March 6th at the  Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am. 

Respectfully submitted

Elyse D. Harney, Sec.

January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018

Salisbury Historic district commission Meeting – Salisbury town Hall 8:30 am

Present:  Digby Brown, Tom Callahan, Carol Mason, Elyse Harney

Minutes of Dec. 5 2017 Meeting were approved: T. Callahan made motion, D Brown 2nd – all in favor. 

C. Mason will check with town clerk to be sure she has a copy of these minutes.

Carol Mason was commended for the Christmas card sent out for the commission which made mention that we would entertain new membership in the commission.    So far no interested parties. 

Carol also presented two bills:  $88. Annual postal charge and $349.50 for Christmas mailing.  T Callahan motion to approve, D Brown 2nd, all in favor.   Carol will pass this on to town Treasurer for payment. 

Curtis Rand was not available to give an update on the Proposed fourth amendment.  We will wait for that update to proceed further on maps. 

Carol Mason was appointed to the SHDC as a commissioner.   Subsequently, T. Callahan made the motion to appoint her as Chairman, E. Harney second, all in favor. 

Nancy Brusie had agreed to add HD designation to building permit applications.  Digby Brown will confirm that this will be done.     Digby will also invite the new Building Inspector to our next meeting to welcome him to the Town and discuss the role of the HDC and how it is important to work with his department.  Building permits should have a box indicating they have HD approval before permit is accepted. 

T. Callahan will serve on the Pope Land Use committee representing the HDC.  Curtis Rand has been notified of this. 

E. Harney will check with Salisbury bank on our Savings Account.  We wish to have this remain active. 

Consider Seth Churchill for award in the spring for the two buildings in Lakeville which he has preserved and improved.     Also, Digby will ask if he might be interested in joining the commission. 

As there was no further business, T Callahn made motion to adjourn at 9:15; C Mason second, all in favor. 

The next meeting of the SHDC will be Feb. 6th at 8:30 am at the Town Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Elyse Harney, Sec.