Salisbury Historic District Commission 1-2016

The meeting was opened with a Minute of Silence to honor our deceased Board member, Arthur Taylor.

It was noted that Lime Rock Park is a distinct Rural Enterprise District and is not part of the Historic District. The Village of Lime Rock was a company town manufacturing iron railroad wheels and is part of the Historic District as well as the National Historic Registry. Dard Hunter also started as an amateur manufacturing paper for stationary in a small shop in Lime Rock.

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Salisbury Historic District Commission 12-2016

Curtis Rand presented plans from the Lakeville Conservancy for parks in Lakeville at the Junctions of Rte 41 and 44 and at the entrance to Lakeville Lake. Since there appear to be permanent walks etc involved this will require an application for Certificate of Appropriateness from the HDC . Candace will send a letter to Susan Galuzzo including an application form.
Minutes were approved unanimously with a motion from Jane Fitting and Digby Brown.

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